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Owen Homoeopathics

45 products
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Regular price $16.00 AUD
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Veratrum has traditionally been used for the symptomatic relief of violent vomiting with cramping and weakness especially where the face is pale and bluish and there is cold sweat and cold limbs. V...
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Regular price $16.00 AUD
Sale price $16.00 AUD
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Contains homoeopathic ingredients. Thuja has traditionally been used to assist in the management of wart like growths and a tendency to corns, warts and calluses, tinea and fungal like symptoms esp...
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Regular price $16.00 AUD
Sale price $16.00 AUD
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Sulphur has traditionally been used for the relief of the symptoms associated with dry, scaly skin conditions that are worse from bathing and the warmth of the bed. It may help the management of me...
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Regular price $377.00 AUD
Sale price $377.00 AUD
Regular price $401.83 AUD
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This stand contains 2 each of the following: Aconite Arnica Arsenicum Belladonna Chamomilla Gelsemium Hepar Sulph Hypericum Ledum Nux Vomica Pulsatilla Rhus Tox PLUS - 1 x placebo demonstration via...
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Spongia has traditionally been used for the relief of symptoms associated with croup and tickling in the throat where the person has a dry, barking cough like a seal. This remedy follows Aconite we...
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Regular price $16.00 AUD
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Silica is a tissue salt that has traditionally been used for the relief of symptoms associated with frequent colds and earache, boils, abscesses, splinters, fragile skin when every little injury su...
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Considered predominantly to be a woman’s remedy, Sepia may be helpful for menstrual symptoms with irregularity, dragging pains and heaviness. It may assist with hot flushes and headaches at menopau...
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Ruta grav has been traditionally used for symptoms related to sprains and strains of knees, wrists and ankles, contusion of the bone, similar to Arnica. It may help with symptoms of stiffness and p...
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Regular price $16.00 AUD
Sale price $16.00 AUD
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Contains homoeopathic ingredients. The following conditions may benefit from Rhus tox: pain and stiffness of bone, connective tissue, joints or tendons from over-exertion when the person feels rest...
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Contains homoeopathic ingredients. Pulsatilla may help congestive symptoms where discharges are thick yellow-green. In the traditional literature Pulsatilla suits people who are clingy, moody, weep...
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Regular price $16.00 AUD
Sale price $16.00 AUD
Regular price $20.00 AUD
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Phosphorus may relieve symptoms associated with loose, dry, spasmodic coughs, hoarseness, vomiting and heartburn, nosebleeds. In the traditional literature, the remedy often suits people who crave ...
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Regular price $16.00 AUD
Sale price $16.00 AUD
Regular price $20.00 AUD
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Contains homoeopathic ingredients. Homeopathic Nux vomica has a tradition of use for symptoms related to over-indulgence, overwork, sedentary habits, night watching, shift work, travel, and at time...
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Regular price $16.00 AUD
Sale price $16.00 AUD
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Natrum muriaticum is a tissue salt that may be effective in reducing the symptoms of colds that start with sneezing and the nose running like a tap. Other conditions which may benefit include dry, ...
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Regular price $16.00 AUD
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Homeopathic Mercurius has a tradition of use in the management of mouth ulcers, gums that are unhealthy and bleed easily, sore throat with excessive saliva and bad breath, ear problems and glandula...
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Regular price $16.00 AUD
Sale price $16.00 AUD
Regular price $20.00 AUD
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Magnesium phosphate is a tissue salt that may help relieve spasmodic pains, neuralgic pains, cramps, abdominal colic and menstrual cramps. Magnesium is an important mineral in the human body requir...
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Regular price $16.00 AUD
Sale price $16.00 AUD
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Ledum has a tradition of being useful for symptoms associated with bites, stings and puncture wounds where the skin is swollen, pale, cold and mottled. It may be useful after Arnica has been used f...
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Regular price $16.00 AUD
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Kali phoshate is a tissue salt that was traditionally used as a nerve tonic. It may help provide support during times of stress, study and over work. Kali phos may have a nourishing and tonic effec...
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Regular price $16.00 AUD
Sale price $16.00 AUD
Regular price $20.00 AUD
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Kali mur is a tissue salt that may provide relief for symptoms where there is thick, white nasal discharges and catarrh, earache, stuffy head colds, sore throats and mouth ulcers. This salt, accord...
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Regular price $16.00 AUD
Sale price $16.00 AUD
Regular price $20.00 AUD
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Kali bic has been used traditionally for symptoms of sinusitis with thick, ropy, yellow, stringy discharge, or so congested that there is no discharge, catarrhal headache, difficult expectoration, ...
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Regular price $16.00 AUD
Sale price $16.00 AUD
Regular price $20.00 AUD
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Ipecac has been used traditionally for the symptomatic relief of nausea and vomiting, morning sickness, travel sickness, gastric upset and spasmodic cough with nausea and vomiting. This remedy is m...
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Regular price $16.00 AUD
Sale price $16.00 AUD
Regular price $20.00 AUD
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Ignatia has traditionally been used for symptoms related to emotional upsets such as shock, grief, hysteria, emotional and mental strain, homesickness. The remedy may be helpful when there is sighi...
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Regular price $16.00 AUD
Sale price $16.00 AUD
Regular price $20.00 AUD
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Contains homoeopathic ingredients. Hypericum has been traditionally used for symptoms associated with nerves and may assist with the healing of injuries such as jammed fingers, bricks on toes, punc...
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Regular price $7.50 AUD
Sale price $7.50 AUD
Regular price $10.00 AUD
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Written by Jan Owen. This book is written to provide information and support for the homoeopathic home prescriber. Homoeopathic remedies can be used for the self treatment of every day simple ailme...
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Regular price $16.00 AUD
Sale price $16.00 AUD
Regular price $20.00 AUD
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Hepar sulph has traditionally been used for symptoms associated with cold sores, herpes and eczema with suppuration. It may also be useful for the symptoms of croup or a barking rattly cough with y...